THE VERDICT: Furlani holds an Emergency Meeting at Casa Milan with Striker hunt as he makes prolific sensational Ligue 1 star Milan top priority

As some had anticipated, AC Milan did not spend significantly on a center-forward this summer; nevertheless, that may happen in January 2024

Given that Divock Origi struggled in his first season, Zlatan Ibrahimovic retired, and Olivier Giroud would shortly turn 37, there was a notion going into the summer transfer window that Milan would recruit a new striker who could be the starting for years to come.

Giroud, who has scored four goals in the first three games of the season—despite taking three penalties—is presently the second-top scorer in Serie A—but he will soon need to take on a deputy role to better manage his workload.

Jonathan David of Lille is at the top of Giorgio Furlani’s wish list when it comes to players who could lead the line in the future, according to

It follows a report from La Gazzetta dello Sport published yesterday that claims Milan also analyzed David in June and July when his price was €60 million and that a loan offer was turned down at the last minute of the transfer window. However, Milan will reportedly attempt again in the coming months.

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