JUST IN: Collingwood chief executive Craig Kelly release statement as he sends strong words to players and fans amid rumours Magpies players involved in viral toilet sex video

Collingwood CEO Craig Kelly has disputed rumors that one of the club’s players was filmed without permission performing a sex act in a toilet cubical in a now-viral video.

A video of two persons doing sexual actions has been circulating on social media for two weeks, with some members of the public attributing the footage to a Collingwood player.

Kelly, on the other hand, was categorical that the allegations that a Magpies player was engaged in the video or its filming were untrue.

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“We are aware of a video currently circulating alleging to involve a Collingwood player and their partner,” Craig Kelly, the chief executive officer of Pies, said.

“Another former Collingwood player has been implicated in the video’s capture.”

“The club wishes to address the matter to make clear both these allegations are completely untrue and the video being circulated does NOT involve any current or former Collingwood players or their partners.”It is crucial to emphasize for all members of the public that the sharing of sexual content without the approval of all people concerned is a criminal offense.

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“We will continue to support all our players and their families during this time.”

The film appears to have been obtained by someone lifting their phone camera over the door of a toilet cubicle.

It also appears that the pair engaging in the explicit act within the cubicle did not consent.

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