NFL BREAKING NEWS: New Information Revealed in Falcons, Kirk Cousins Tampering Case – Falcons Could Be Escaping With This One

The Falcons and Kirk Cousins have been under investigation for months for potential meddling prior to free agency, and fresh information has now surfaced.

As reported by Adam Schefter, “A resolution in the alleged free agent tampering cases of the Atlanta Falcons and Philadelphia Eagles is likely to come this week, per league sources.”

The Falcons and Cousins clearly violated tampering regulations. The veteran quarterback essentially admitted to tampering without explicitly saying so.

Atlanta Falcons, Kirk Cousins Tampering Penalties 'Likely' Revealed this Week

“There’s great people here,” Cousins said during his first press conference. “But it’s not only the football squad. I mean, I am looking at the support workers. Yesterday, we met, called our head athletic trainer, and spoke with our head of public relations. I think we’ve got some good folks here. And that is exciting to be a part of.

The Falcons definitely broke league rules, but we don’t have to pretend that’s why Cousins chose Atlanta over Minnesota. The Falcons were willing to extend the contract and increase the average annual value and guarantees.
That being said, for a veteran like Cousins to openly state this is ridiculous. The Falcons cannot expect to get off lightly; in fact, Schefter stated in his report that Atlanta’s sanctions is projected to be more severe than Philadelphia’s.

Falcons Give Weak Denial As Kirk Cousins Tampering Probe Drags
“One league source indicated that the Falcons’ alleged transgressions are considered more significant, and the discipline is expected to be more severe for Atlanta.”

Tampering is a humorous concept because it occurs in every club and among all players. However, when the league is forced into a corner like this, it has no choice but to make an example of the Falcons. As we await the sentence, I advise fans to prepare for the worst while hoping for the best.


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