Earlier this week, Netflix debuted “Aaron Rodgers: Enigma,” a docu-series on the former Green Bay Packers quarterback. The most intriguing scene in the entire series, which provided little new information for those who have followed Rodgers throughout his NFL career, was when current Packers head coach Matt LaFleur appeared to tell the film crew that former general manager Ted Thompson thought Jordan Love was “too good to pass up” in the first round of the 2020 draft.
Thompson was a senior advisor to the Packers at the time, and current general manager Brian Gutekunst was in his third year in the position. Thompson making the pick is big news, right? Wrong!
This morning, ESPN Milwaukee’s Jason Wilde claimed on his radio broadcast that Thompson was not a key influence in Love’s decision in 2020, and that the working idea is that the film crew pieced together other clips to produce the line that was used in the documentary.
After practice on Thursday, LaFleur was queried about the documentary, which he indicated he had not seen but was aware of the discussion. LaFleur appears to agree with Wilde on this point, stating, “I think what we were trying to do was draw parallels to Ted drafting Aaron and Gutey drafting Jordan.”
He continued: “Ted Thompson had nothing to do with the drafting of Jordan Love.”
The key question now is why the documentary crew reportedly edited clips together to credit another general manager with drafting Love. I’ve seen numerous complaints online from folks who believe Rodgers’ participation in the documentary may have advanced this agenda.
But the last thing I want to do is return to Rodgers’ waters. I’ve done my time. This book is now closed.
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